Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
LGA Architects
Half Climate Design
Michael Green Architectural
Dub Architects
Abbott Brown Architects
Taylor Architecture
We are pleased to be part of the cross-Canada team working on the CMHC Design Catalogue collaborating with LGA architects to bring a range of intelligent, sustainable, and easy-to-build housing solutions to the Canadian market. The online catalogue provides architectural plans for a range of houses that are focused on infill development and gentle density.
We contributed to site organization, messaging and articulation of the “How-to” guide. The complex challenge required communicating the full range of considerations, benefits and project assumptions from regional specificity, costing, site planning, mechanical and structural issues, energy consumption, team assembly and material specifications. The catalogue is an important project that will accelerate the building of homes across the country.
Each design is developed by local architecture and engineering teams to align with regional building codes, planning rules, climate zones, construction methods and materials.
Visit the Housing Design Catalogue here.
© KerrSmith Design 2023