Pacific Community
Game Design
Environmental Scan
Horizon Scan
Custom Designed Graphics
Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) stand at a critical juncture for their agriculture and forestry sectors. As the world navigates climate change, biodiversity loss, and economic instability, the need for a transformative strategy that ensures sustainable development has never been more pressing.
Agriculture and forestry practices are not merely sectors of the Pacific economy; they are the lifeblood of the communities, the guardians of cultural heritage, and the stewards of the environment. This strategy is the first ever Pacific-led regional agriculture and forestry strategy. It represents an ambitious shared regional agenda for agro-ecological transformation.
KerrSmith worked with SPC and Alex Ryan at Synthetikos and Manuhuia Barcham of Archetekt out of Seattle to create “Growing the Pacific - The Pacific Agriculture and Forestry Strategy for 2024-2050” to define a bold vision. The strategy outlines agriculture and forestry systems in the PICTs that will be sustainable, resilient, and contribute to the well-being of people, economies, and the environment.
To complete this project KerrSmith worked closely with SPC to understand the context and look at the challenges from a “Futures” perspective. We created an extensive research and engagement plan. Some of the activities we undertook included:
Understanding that there are intricate webs of relationships, we engaged with a full range of stakeholders including farmers, foresters, entrepreneurs, policymakers, researchers and consumers. The game provided a powerful platform for discussion of holistic and systemic approaches to addressing change within the sector.
To bring the project to a synthesis, our work included:
Translating insights developed through shared discussion
Identifying obstacles to success and opportunities for change
Workshop participants drafted a system map of intersecting influencers and stakeholders
Report writing, design and presentation of comprehensive 40-page document
© KerrSmith Design 2023
550 Queen St. East, Unit 335
Toronto, ON M5A 1V2